ING Hubs Romania 

Sorting Out Working From Home 1

"Sorting out Work From Home" is a series of animations, booklets with illustrations, and helpful tips, the results of an internal comm campaign for ING Hubs Romania, formerly known as ING Tech.

Some time ago, when the pandemic made its way into our lives and homes, we faced many changes that have impacted how we go through our lives today. While working remotely was a huge time saver for most of us, working one foot away from our bed made it difficult to separate work from our time off.

Therefore, ING Hubs came up with a series of internal comm materials that gave its employees a bunch of helpful tips to navigate this period a bit easier. Ones enabling greater work boundaries and separating work from home - while working from home.

We scripted and directed this animation that portrays real-life inspired snippets of what work is like when doing it remotely. It states the problem to introduce practical solutions later on in the "Sorting out Work From Home" booklet.

We developed a style of simple descriptive illustration that plays around with proportions, navigating a landscape that feels homey. 

We animated the feeling of being flooded by too many tasks in one single day and focused on describing actions and giving them a visual shape, such as the game of ping-pong we often do with our tasks.


ING Hubs Romania





ING Hubs Romania 

Arina Udup, Sr. Communications Specialist 

Manuela Mihalciuc, Communications Specialist

Tatiana Marin, Head of Communication & Branding

Directed by Vână Animation Studio

Animation Director: Anca Manolache

Producer: Mădălina Belu

Storyboard Artist: Ionuț Anghel

Illustrator: Ionuț Anghel, Oana Vasile, Horia Manolache

Character Designer: Oana Vasile

Background Designer: Ionuț Anghel, Oana Vasile, Horia Manolache

Frame-by-frame Animation: Ionuț Anghel, Horia Manolache

2D Animation: Ionuț Anghel, Horia Manolache

Compositor: Ionuț Anghel, Horia Manolache

Sound Design

Victor Mihăilescu (@platonicscale)

Voice Over

Stephanie Matard

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