Adèle's Petit Book Animé du Bucharest is the internship animation series of Adèle Coulloudon, a young animator from Lyon. Adèle first came to Vână Animation Studio back in 2016 through an internship program, after finishing ISCOM school of advertising. Now she is a full time team member at the studio.
After traveling to many places around the world she fell in love with the Romanian culture, and together we started documenting a different kind of Romania, a country seen through the eyes of a young french animation intern at the studio. This project is Adèle's journey through the Romanian culture and through animation, since it's how she first came to know what the process involved.
20.000+ views
Since then Petit Book Anime became an ongoing project with 20.000+ views on social media and it was displayed at Animest 2017 with great reviews from the audience.
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